Bidding Instructions

To help the PC chair in assigning papers to reviewers, you may indicate which papers you would like to review. You can do this by clicking the radio buttons next to the paper number on the left side of the window.
For every paper you can indicate your level of eagerness to review it: D
H means high priority, indicating that you are an expert on the paper's topics, and that you would be very pleased if you could review that paper. L means a lower priority, indicating that you would like to review that paper, in case not enough reviewers indicated a high priority for that paper. (It might be better to refer to this as Moderately Interested.) If you just don't want a paper to be assigned to you, select B ("Block"). Use this option only if you really will not be able to review the paper. If you cannot review a paper because there's a conflict of interest, select C. Of course, also use this in case you are the (co-)author of the paper. If you don't mind whether a paper will be assigned to you, select D. This is the default selection. Those papers may be assigned to you because of your expertise, in case not enough reviewers have indicated a high or low bid for that paper.

Please submit as many high bids as possible. This will not cause you to get more papers than the other reviewers. It will only make the paper assignment easier. It is attempted to assign as many high bids to all reviewers as possible, in a fair way. Note: In order to get most of your high bids assigned, please make sure that you submit more high bids than low bids. If the latter is not the case, chances are that your pile of papers is filled up with papers other reviewers don't want, leaving less room for your high bids. In fact, it would be best if you would only submit high bids (but enough of those). To make the 'pool' to choose from for the assignment big enough, please submit approx. 1.5 to 2 times as many high bids as the number of papers that you will be assigned.

To help you find the papers that match your interest and expertise, you can look at the colored parts of the window. The colors have the following meaning:

You marked being an expert in all topics covered by the paper
   You marked being an expert in 51 to 99% of the topic(s) covered by the paper
   You marked being an expert in 26 to 50% of the topic(s) covered by the paper
   You marked being an expert in up to 25% of the topic(s) covered by the paper
   You marked being knowledgeable in at least 1 of the topic(s) covered by the paper
   There is no match between your expertise and the topic(s) covered by the paper

The list above the abstract area displays one box per paper. The first row of each box shows the paper number and the number of topics covered by that paper. The second row shows the percentage of expertise matches and knowledgeability matches resp. The list may be long. You may have to use the horizontal scrollbar to see rest of the numbers. In the list on the left of the window, the percentage of expertise matches and knowledgeability matches are shown. Note: If you care, you may change your expertise marks to obtain another list of matches. To do so, click the 'Expertise' link, make changes, save the changes, and return to your bidding page by clicking the 'Bidding' link.

To see an abstract, click on a number. To get to the overview of abstracts, click on the link 'Main topics'. To directy see a list of papers that cover a certain topic, move your mouse over the numbers next to 'Main topics'. The text of the main topic can then be seen in the status bar at the bottom of your browser's window. Click the number to see an overview of the abstracts that cover that topic. Within the overview, click a title to see the contents of the abstract. To get all abstracts in one file (e.g. to print), choose the link with that text.

When you've finished the bidding, click on the button called "Save Bids", which is located at the bottom of the left frame. You can change your bids until the papers will be assigned. Bidding in several steps is possible.

After the paper submission deadline is over, a paper assignment proposal will be generated, based mainly on your high and low bids. Furthermore, your expertise and willingness to review papers on a certain topic will be used to complete the paper assignment.

The Chair will make the definitive assignment. After this has been done, your personal page will contain links to both the papers that you are supposed to review and the electronic review forms that you are asked to fill in. You can also download 'off-line review forms', which you can submit by uploading. This is what most reviewers prefer.

You will be notified by email when the paper assignment is ready. You may then start downloading the papers and submitting your reviews, using the paper numbers that will be shown at the top of the window or by using the appropriate link to download all assigned papers in one step.

CyberChairPRO Copyright © by Richard van de Stadt  (Borbala Online Conference Services)
Linux system administration: Ken Bauer (Tec de Monterrey, Campus Guadalaraja, Mexico)